Better to Give

I recently read a passage from Hebrews 12 about shaking and asked the people I was speaking to if they had noticed any shaking going on around them. Everyone nodded affirmatively. Hebrews 12:25-28 tells us something about the shaking. See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused […]

More than Possible

At the end of the story of the Rich Young Ruler found in Matthew chapter nineteen, Jesus utters one of His classic statements, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” A little digging into this verse reveals a powerful truth. When I use the word possible, I use it in […]

Why it’s Good to be Uncomfortable

Like most people, I prefer to be comfortable. When it comes to temperature, furniture, and clothing, comfort is always best. What about dealing with situations and interacting with people? In those cases, embracing growing pains and the growth that comes with them is always preferable to complacency. This afternoon I was reading Isaiah 64 and found […]

You Carry Power to Set the Tone

We’ve all noticed that in any group of people, some naturally tend to become the center of attention while others shun the limelight. We have terms like introvert, extrovert, charismatic, reserved and so on to describe these characteristics in people. We each are created with unique personalities.  While we may have different personalities, if we have accepted […]

One Church

Here in Iowa, our governor Terry Branstad has taken a stand for the Word of God by issuing a proclamation that predictably has some up in arms. In part, the proclamation reads, “encourage all Iowans to join in this historical Iowa 99 County Bible Reading Marathon to take place June 30th through July 3rd, 2016, […]