You Carry Power to Set the Tone

We’ve all noticed that in any group of people, some naturally tend to become the center of attention while others shun the limelight. We have terms like introvert, extrovert, charismatic, reserved and so on to describe these characteristics in people. We each are created with unique personalities.  While we may have different personalities, if we have accepted […]


Everything that can be shaken will be shaken from within Better have your house in order when the shakin’ begins I’m so old I got a metal slinky for Christmas, remember the U.S. bicentennial celebration (barely),  and had to choose between Carter and Ford in an elementary school mock election. As was typical of a […]


A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion at an event in Boston. I had never been to the city and was hoping to do a little sight seeing while there. Unfortunately the rainy weather and my tight schedule eliminated the opportunity to visit Fenway Park. That was […]